Quick riddle for you brave souls who actually read this blog: What has doubled in size, makes high pitched noises, and is always moving?
A Hank!
This past Saturday (August 18th), was Hank's 4 Month Birthday! We celebrated by staying home since we had just returned from a fun beach trip to Tybee Island, GA with my family. :)
Here is what has been going on in our little bubble:
*Like I said above, we took our little family to Tybee Island to spend five days with my parents, sister, sister's boyfriend, two great aunts, and a great uncle. Hank did great during the six hour drive. We only had to stop twice each way! Let's hope he is always such a fantastic traveler. (Cue the laughter from experienced parents...)
*Lots of "talking"! Hank is a big fan of the "raspberry" noise right now, which involves a large amount of drool and bubbles. Also, every now and then, he will let out a loud, high pitched noise and just look at you,confused about where that sound just came from.
*Loving his exersaucer, jumper contraption! He finally figured out that he could bounce up and down - it's the little things for Hank, people.
*Two weeks ago, me and Hank were sitting on the front porch waiting on Mike to come home. I had him sitting, leaned up against me, when all of a sudden he leaned forward completely on his own! I was so excited, I set him up to do it over and over and over again! It's the little things for Hank's mommy, people. :)
*He LOVES standing up on his little, yet surprisingly strong legs! You can't help but laugh when he is standing because he looks like a tiny little man.
*Hank is pretty much sleeping through the night - YAY! Every now and then he wakes up once a night, but it's almost safe to say we have nailed that. However, I am currently knocking on wood to prevent a future blog post about how he never sleeps...hahaha...
*He no longer needs the infant adapter in either of his strollers! Pretty soon, he will be in a bigger car seat too! Less than four pounds to go there!
*He smiles constantly and giggles - best sound EVER.
*Oh, he has discovered the art of kicking in the bathtub. Loves it. Every time one of his legs move and the water splashes it's like he has made this amazing discovery. That is so fun to watch - I can't wait to watch him discover more and more in the months to come!
So, there's your Hank update that you all have been on the edge of your seat for...here's to another fun-filled, happy, and exciting month as we approach the world of sitting up, solid foods, a bigger car seat, and who knows what else!
Up next on the blog horizon: BEACH POST!
Till then,
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