
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

On my Soapbox....

Yesterday, I started off my Fourth of July with a bang! A bang of inspiration via an article in the Chattanooga Times Free Press that is. You can check it out here if you are interested in understanding what my ranting letter (to be included in this post) is all about...haha...

"Best Town Ever? Thanks but no thanks"

I was so amazed that someone could take an honor and turn it in to a "lie" that I composed this pretty piece of rebuttal and have been literally sending it and posting it everywhere I possibly can. This action may make me seem like a lunatic, but heck, it's the summer and what else do I really have to do with my time besides complete my Dog Days of Summer List (see previous blog post)?

So, if you are interested in an opinion piece in response to the article linked above, read on....

As I was preparing to make my hamburger patties this Fourth of July, I stopped for a coffee and Chattanooga Times Free Press break on my couch. While scanning the pages, I noted David Cook’s article “The Best Town Ever? Thanks but no thanks”. This article was written in response to the recent award bestowed upon our Scenic City by Outside Magazine; a publication focused on all that is outdoors.
After Chattanooga had been initially chosen for this award, I was excited and proud of the city I call home. Therefore, one could imagine that I became a little defensive when Mr. Cook alluded to the fact that we would be lying if we accepted this award. He stated that we could make a “grocery list of the problems we face in this city” and that we do not deserve this award. I am sure the other cities in this competition could make a list of those same issues as well. Chattanooga is not perfect, and no town is for that matter. However, can we not rise out of the muck and mire of our problems for a moment and celebrate the positive opportunities that Chattanooga has to offer?
            Outside Magazine does not focus on social issues, violence, or politics, unless they are related to the outdoors. What the publication does offer though is an escape, just as the great outdoors do. We are fortunate in Chattanooga to have beautiful mountains and valleys full of biking and hiking trails, along with rivers and lakes to enjoy as well. I do not agree with ignoring our troubles, but is it really so bad to relish some news coverage that is not saturated with problems, politics, and pain? I actually smiled a little bit when I read the article about Chattanooga receiving this award.
            I do not think that this award makes Chattanoogans less dependent on one another. As Mr. Cook stated, we are a town of givers and doers as seen in the aftermath of the April tornadoes. However, could we not just hang this award on the wall of fame in addition to everything else that Chattanooga has to offer? Let us step up to the podium, accept the award, and then make a long speech, not only about the landscape and beauty of Chattanooga, but also about its amazing citizens. This is our platform and our time – no need to stop when the music cue comes on – stay in the spotlight, Chattanooga. It is where you belong.

Alright, time to go organize the kitchen and unwind...haha

Hasta la Vista,


Monday, June 27, 2011

Dog Days of Summer List!

 So, as my  husband obsesses over our beautiful yard that he has groomed and cared for, I am obsessing over this list! One thing I LOVE about summer is the ability to do, and do, and do, and do around our home! This morning, during my caffeine high, I wrote this list down. I have to say I am pretty pumped about it!

*Continue my Organization Overhaul of our house - Kitchen, you are next!
*Learn how to make gluten-free bread
*Master the art of the soft, chewy sugar cookie
*Hit up the gym at least five days a week - today: cardio, chest, and back!
*Take two yoga classes a week - thanks to my new SportsBarn membership, this is easy!
*Learn how to Dougie - I am serious.
*Sell, sell, sell on E-Bay!
*Re-do my Beowulf Colonial Units!
*Finish Beach Music by Pat Conroy (book review to come soon) and start another by him, South of Broad
*Read Rebecca and Secret Life of Bees for my classes
*Get wake-to-wake consistently on my wakeboard
*Get the PCC Remodeling website ready for launch by Labor Day!
*Lay out by the pool - thanks, SportsBarn!

Disclaimer to Myself: this is a NO PRESSURE list :)

Later Gators,


Thursday, June 23, 2011

"If God had meant for us to fly, he wouldn't have given us the railways..." :)

For our recent anniversary, we visit the Crescent City of New Orleans, LA. We did not fly...we did not drive...instead, we took a TRAIN! This ingenious idea spurred from the mind of my ever-planning, creative husband and let me tell you, everyone should travel via train at least once in their life!

Our adventure on the rails began in Birmingham, AL since Chattanooga does not have an Amtrak station, nor does anywhere in TN besides Memphis I believe. This is something that I plan on writing some letters about in the near future! Back to Birmingham definitely started as an adventure because the train station was straight up looked like an abandoned warehouse from the outside and I personally did not take any photos, but just to give you and idea:

Think circa 1970 (might be pushing it) with a touch of horror movie meets antique store
However, as it goes most of the time, there was more than meets the eye to Amtrak. Once we boarded the train, we found our seats in coach relatively cozy and cushiony (yes, I made up a word - move on - it's called artistic license). Please see this lovely photograph our train mates took of us:

Also, this is the train we road on "The Crescent"
As one can see, we are impeccably dressed for travel - personally, I never go anywhere on a train without my lucky ruffled blouse..haha. Moving past the sarcasm, I loved this photo because honestly, this is what it looked like! Mike and I were able to stretch out our 6 feet plus bodies on a train, which was good because it was a seven hour trip. Forget 7 hours in coach on a plane!

So, after our fun weekend in NOLA, we boarded the Crescent once again. However, this time we had a sleeper cabin! It was so neat! Check out the pictures below (some are mine and some are Amtrak's):

In our cabin!

The couch I am sitting on turned into a bed! Cozy!

We got to eat in the dining car twice (breakfast and dinner) - it was yummy!

In the dining car! We enjoyed talking to all of the other passengers on our train...

 The photo to your left is a better view of what the sleeper cabin looks like when you first enter it - there is a sink, a shower, a toilet, bunk beds, a chair, and a table - all in that tiny, but comfortable space! Definitely splurge for this when you go Amtrak! Also, to add to the benefits of a sleeper cabin, your meals in the dining care are included - and it is great food!

Overall, it was an excellent way to travel! We are looking forward to making a trip to Washington D.C. via Amtrak soon!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Lessons I Have Learned in the First Year of Marriage

It seems hard to believe, but Mike and I have been married a year already. We just returned from celebrating our anniversary in New Orleans - we traveled via Amtrak Trains, which was awesome! ( I will post on this later...)

In honor of this milestone, I thought I would reflect on what I have learned during this amazing year of marriage. Ever since we began announcing our engagement, there were those who had advice for us. People wanted to help us- to tell us what worked for them and well, what didn't. The genres of advice ranged from wedding tips, to where to go on our honeymoon, to how to "survive" married life.

I listened...but I thought I knew what to expect (insert "I-Told-You-So's" and laughs from family and friends). Little did I know, I was about to embark on an exciting and sometimes confusing road with two little words on June 19th, 2010.

Mike is no doubt, the man that I was meant to marry. We were absolutely created for one another. From our loves to our hates, we have always had so much in common. He once was my "dream guy" in college - I never, ever thought he would be interested in ME. Now here we are; one year of marriage behind us and oh the lessons I know that I have learned.

1. Marriage is hard. Now, don't go thinking I am not happily married. Go an ask anyone that is married. To keep it together and functioning, you have to work at it.

2. My husband loves me for who I am all the time. He loves me with no make-up, sweatpants, and a t-shirt. He loves me when I make mistakes. He loves me when I embarrass myself. He loves me all of the time. Due to my insecurities, this was a huge revelation to me. Often, out of nowhere, I will smile when I think of this.

3. I AM STUBBORN...and so is Mike. We have argued about some of the most ridiculous topics this past year from opening and/or closing the blinds to the wording of a question. However, due to our stubborn traits and the resulting "arguments" we now have a plethora of inside jokes and laughs about these instances.

4. I am still learning to compromise. Prior to marrying Mike, I thought I had this one the bag. Hahaha...not at all. However, marriage has made me better at it. :)

5. I am not the calm, cool, and collected person that I often portray myself to me. 95.7 percent of the time, I explode situations and/or problems into something more than they should be. Of course, to anyone but my husband, this goes unnoticed because I keep it all upstairs, in my head. Mike is always my voice of reason and comfort - this is one of the many reasons I am blessed to call him my  husband.

6. Laughter is always the best route. If married couples can't laugh at themselves then they are missing out. Some of the most fun and memorable times I have had with Mike this past year involve hilarious, ridiculous situations.

7. I thought I knew just about everything there was to know about Mike. Currently, one of my favorite things out of each day is to learn more and more about the wonderful man I married 366 days ago. For instance, I recently learned that he doesn't like pudding - haha- trivial, yet in the Holtzhower household, we go by the motto "I don't eat to live, I live to eat". Food likes and dislikes are vital ;)

8. This final lesson is probably the most influential of them all. As I prepared to marry Mike, I started to realize how similar the love a husband and the love of God are. God loves us unconditionally - no strings attached. He forgives us - he supports us - he adores every fiber of each of our beings. He laughs with us, cries with us, and smiles upon us in moments of happiness. Mike loves me in these same ways and it is my hope that everyone can feel this kind of love from a spouse. I truly think that it what marriage is all about - love, comfort, respect, and support.

So, those are the lessons I have learned while soaking in a fun and special year with my husband. By no means am I an expert, nor do I think I will ever be. However, it was fun to reflect and think about how blessed I am to be married to such a wonderful man. Honestly, most of the posts I put on this blog are for me ;) - so selfish...

Until next time :)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Every Day is Valentine's Day....

With Valentine's Day falling on a Monday this year, Mike and I decided to begin our celebrations on Saturday. After a tumultuous start to the weekend:

Yes, that is my beautiful 2010 Volkswagen Jetta Sport Wagon. As I was attempting to leave work on time for a change on Friday, a student backed in to me. Sadness. However, the good news is that it was just the passenger door and the body shop is optimistic that it can be fixed and ready to go by Friday (hopefully)!

So,we got a rental car on Saturday and headed down the road to Nashville to see our good friends Matt and Ashley Cox.

Watercolor Sky
 We had a blast hanging out with Matt and Ashley! Great dinner, frozen yogurt concoctions, a great church service Sunday morning (all about marriage, might I add), and some chicken on a stick at Toots! After we left them, we went to a parts show in downtown Nashville that Mike wanted to go to and then we went furniture shopping for a bit. No luck though...we are hunting for nightstands, a dresser, and a makeup table for me. Any suggestions???

As for Valentine's gifts, my amazing husband got me something I've wanted for a looooooong time:
We now have a Felix the Cat clock in our kitchen! It makes me crack up every time I round the corner...
 My wonderful husband also got me some yummy truffles and a screen cover for my Nook! On Valentine's Day (actual holiday), he showed up after work with beautiful red tulips and a new beta fish! Pictures to follow...

So, as my faithful readers know, I really enjoy blogging about FOOD. Therefore, I shall be including the Valentine's Day dinner I made for me and Mike in this already ADHD post. Here was the menu:

Drinks: Dirty Martini for Mike....Wine for Ashley
Appetizer: Crostini with Olive Tapenade
Main Course: Hasselback Potatoes, Fresh Green Beans, and Rosemary Rack of Lamb with Shallot Vinaigrette
Dessert: Strawberry Trifles

It was delicious.

My Valentine's Day Booty (well, some of it...)

Yes, I put a strawberry trifle in a beer glass :)

Here's to the first married Valentine's Day!

Till then,

Monday, January 17, 2011 far...

Thanks to a nice snow storm, I received a wonderful 10 day break from teaching and coaching. That, as one can imagine, allowed me a lovely amount of time to begin working on my resolutions. Here's how I have done so far...

1. READ, READ, READ - I am definitely reading more...yay! Mike and I started a plan to read the Bible in a year and so far we are almost done with Genesis. Interested? Try this link:

2. Cook More - Since Christmas break, I have been in a cooking frenzy! Here's what's on the menu tonight:

Beef Tagine with Butternut Squash
Just what is a "tagine"  (tay-jeen)?
Any of various Moroccan stews featuring meat or poultry gently simmered with vegetables, olives, preserved lemons, garlic and spices like cumin, ginger, pepper, saffron and turmeric. Tagines are often served with couscous.
You really do learn something new every day!

3. Do More for Others: Inspired by the story of Cami Walker (see video below), I decided to try to give 29 gifts in 29 days. I started out pretty good with three gifts in three days, but then I fell off the train. So, I have decided to not pressure myself, because that's not the point of the exercise. Instead, I will try to give a gift everyday and if one day I cannot, then I will try the next day. Regardless, it gets the attention off of me - so often I worry about ME, ME, ME for absolutely no reason. The feeling I get from giving to another, whether it be an object, help, or simply time is so much better than harping on the same things day to day and essentially beating myself up. 
4. 5K Training and Yoga - due to my "snowcation" last week, I was able to work out quite a bit! No running - this girl DOES NOT run in the snow, however some of my neighbors are apparently more hardcore than I am! I ran one race last Valentine's Day (5K, Cupid's Chase) and it was in the snow. I finished but it was so miserably cold! 
Since my last post, my wonderful husband suggested that we start training for a mini-triathlon seeing as though I have a rockin' bike now thanks to him! I will try to keep my audience up to date on how the training is going!
Me and My Awesome Bike!!!
  Till then, 


Monday, January 10, 2011

You say...

Here's a blast from the past, a.k.a middle school days:

Good ole' Lisa Loeb and her cat-eye glasses. Might I mention that I had this single - a TAPE single.

Enjoy : ) Back to my busy, busy snow day...haha...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Funny the Way It Is...

This post marks my first official one of 2011. Wow...can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday I was graduating high school and celebrating my upcoming collegiate freedom. Now here I am...and ADULT. Let me tell you though, I don't feel it a bit. I am not sure if it's my job, seeing as though I spend the majority of my hours weekly with teenagers, or if it's my husband, constantly making me laugh and try new things, but whatever it is - it's working. I think it's fun that at the age of 27, which is not old by any means, I can still feel 21, minus the stupid ideas and too many drinks of course.

With that said, it has taken me nine days, but I have developed some goals for the new year. (I have decided that I am against the term "resolution", due to the overuse and lack of attention these "resolutions" receive).

Might I add, these are in no particular order...

1. Try not to use my cell phone while driving : I am very against texting with driving, but I am now going to start limiting myself to how often I talk while driving. It's scary to think that I am operating a heavy, fast vehicle and holding an in-depth conversation at the same time. This might be toughest goal, as absurd as all this sounds.

2. Run more 5k's and work my way back to 10k's: I may just have to start sucking it up in this cold weather...minus tomorrow and the impending blizzard.

3. Try to take at least one yoga class a week:  Yoga has become a new interest for me, along with my husband. I feel like I have a knowledge and skill base, but I just want to up it a notch. A class or two might just do the trick!

4. Read, read, read, read....: I got a Nook for Christmas and even though I thought I was a traditional paper and cover book lover, I have to say that it is awfully nice to carry three books around with me at once and not feel the weight of it. Currently reading: Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert (follow-up to Eat, Pray, Love), Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris( this is my easy, mindless read and it is in the series of books that the Showtime series True Blood is based on), and My Life in France, which is Julia Child's memoir.

5. Snowboard out West: this goal is kind of cheating because we planned this trip before the New Year, but cut me some slack...haha...In March, me and Mike, along with his sister and brother-in-law, our good friend Allie and a few others are heading out to Big Sky, Montana to snowboard and enjoy the amazing country for a few days. Here's what I will be dealing with...what a shame...

6. COOK MORE! : Over Christmas break, I got to cook a lot of new and exciting recipes. I am already craving extra time after coaching season is over to cook more and more and more! I am out of school and coaching tomorrow though, so I thinking about making these to start the day:

How good would those be with a warm coffee and season 2 of Dawson's Creek - thanks to my awesome sister!!!

7. Create a focus for my blog: while I enjoy my random postings, I would really like to have a focus that would keep me coming writing everyday, or at least as much as I could. Any suggestions????

8. Do more for others: Often I feel that I focus so much on me each and everyday that I get sucked into this terminal "Ashley" bubble. I would really like to do more for other people more often. Not anything major or earth-shattering, but I would like to keep the following in mind: be a better listener, help make my husband's day bright and cheery always, help others out more often, and so on...

I am currently also reading (non-Nook): 29 Gifts in 29 Days by Cami Walker - a true, amazing story!

So there are my goals, for now. I will try my best to keep my small, but awesome audience up-to-date about how I am doing!

Till then,
